Nov 02, 2021
Before selling panties, I was a professional cuddler

Before selling panties, I was a professional cuddler


I started professionally cuddling in March 2018, less than a month before SESTAFOSTA was signed into law (I live in the United States of America).

I’ve been a writer since I was nine years old. Publishing a book takes YEARS even after the manuscript is “complete”. I understand that I need to help others--current and aspiring workers--as hastily as possible...so I created a podcast.

I know there’s already a myriad of sex work podcasts--there’s a plethora that focus on one genre of sex work. But the lack of visibility and awareness for professional cuddlers is appalling. Therefore, I created Pro Cuddle Hustle Podcast!

Most public episodes are about professional cuddling, and every patreon-exclusive episode is explicitly about sex work.

I have interviewed Keira Luvv (for episode 2)--a camgirl who is outspoken about having mental illness and disabilities. I wanna interview more sex workers and especially professional cuddlers.

Now is the worst time for one to become a professional cuddler, but I understand that sex work isn’t “career shopping”. I started professional cuddling out of survival. That being said, in my podcast I talk about harm reduction, security, community, money, and more in regards to cuddle professionals.

I’ve noticed that there isn’t solidarity between professional cuddlers and sex workers. I see plenty of solidarity between lingerie models, BDSM educators, sex therapists, and poledancers with sex workers. Someone has to inform professional cuddlers that they’re not superior to sensual workers in any way.

Since I don’t wanna leave out the lovely customers I’ve met so far (and the ones I will meet) through professional cuddling, there is an array of different reasons why someone should hire a professional cuddler.

There is the satisfaction of going out of your comfort zone and doing something new. You could see for yourself why a particular provider is highly praised. You could share your personal thoughts and stories with an uninvolved person. A nice cuddle helps you get away from your job because it brings in a different energy. Perhaps your life is repetitive and you need something to look forward to. I hear from others that cuddling is great for people who are insecure with their bodies. If you travel far or take a long backroad to get to your appointment, it feels like a brief vacation.

There is so much more I could say about being a cuddle professional. Let me know in the comments if you have ever booked a cuddle provider and how that went (please protect people’s privacy, no real names please). Have you ever considered becoming a cuddle provider? Do you know of any other “neutral” resources on professional cuddling? (not endorsed by any company

Before selling panties, I was a professional cuddler