Pansy 101 : A Mini Guide to the New Site
It was a crisp, fall morning when we all awoke to the latest version of our favorite panty site. For most, it induced panic. At this point *most* of the initial shock has worn off and, not all, but most of the glitches have been fixed. Is it the site everyone wanted? Not yet.
So while we work through the growing pains, I’ve thrown together a little down and dirty cheat sheet on the latest version that can hopefully help shed some light on how to use the new site.
Creating & Editing Listings
- All listings now require photos to be uploaded to the media cloud. In the transition, the first photo of each listing was retained, but any additional photos are now the spiral SP placeholder. Unfortunately, you will have to edit each listing individually to re-upload photos for old listings.
- When creating a new listing, you will be redirected to your media cloud to either select or upload photos before being taken to the listing screen. Here you will be able to re-order the listing photos and enter in the listing information.
- One feature that hasn’t changed is the “Publish Date” queue feature. If you are listing a lot of items, you may not want to list them all at once and using the “Publish Date” can be helpful! At this time, you can still only pick the date, not the time, that the listing will be posted, it has to be at least 2 days from the date it’s created, and no, there’s no definitive time it will post. *You may be thinking what would be the benefit of that and yes, there’s still some kinks to be worked out (pun intended), but spacing out posts and posting at different times can help increase exposure and get more buyers!
Media Cloud & Photo Uploads
- Photos uploaded into the media cloud used for listings will take up space (25gs for Premium / 100gs for Lifetime/Premium Plus). Yes, it’s annoying, but the difference is nominal.
- You may have noticed that there are significantly more pages in your photos tab of the media cloud since the switch! The media cloud will now show ALL of your photos in one place. Yay?
- Photos will appear in media cloud with the most recent uploads showing first. They are also unmarked as far as which are public and which are private, however my experience is that VIP/private photos uploaded in the “before times” are listed in the very first pages of the media cloud.
- At the top right of the page, you will see an option “move to public section”. This option will move selected photos uploaded directly to the media cloud to your public “Photos” tab. Doing this will also post selected photos to the main feed!
- If you change your mind and want to make the photo private again, you can do so on your page under the “Photos” tab! Select the photos you want to make private, use the top right drop-down menu “Actions”, and select “remove from photo section”. This will NOT remove the photo from your media cloud.
Other Sweet Ass Site Updates
- Blocking a user will remove ALL of their content from your view and vice versa! Blocking will make it impossible for a user to find your content and profile - you won’t show up in their “online users” or “browse members” either!
- Captions on photos will now show directly under the photo when posted to the feed instead of having to click to see it.
- You can now make your profile private to non-users! Simply open the side bar menu to go to your Account, use the top drop-down menu to go to Settings, and select the third option to make your profile private!
- This will also remove your listings from the public Listings feed, also accessible through the sidebar menu. Listings from private profiles will be visible to logged in users when using any of the listing filters (category, date listed, etc…)
- Non-users searching for or attempting to go to a private profile will be redirected to an error page
- Seller accounts will no longer be able to order other seller’s listings. Ok so maybe this isn’t a “sweet ass” update, but at least it’s totally free to make a second buyer account!
- Once a buyer has requested to order a listing, the listing will no longer appear in the seller’s shop. This listing will also not appear in the “Active Listings” section of the seller’s Dashboard, but can still be located under the “Orders” heading.
We will be updating the Seller’s Guide and FAQ (now located on the sp forum: forum.scentedpansy.com) soon with more info on navigating the new site and panty selling world in general! Look, it’s far from perfect, but it’s getting there. And some of the scamming has died down now that non-premium buyers can only send 2 messages per day, so at least there’s that!