Diary of a MILF

Diary of a MILF

How it all started...

This little adVenture started a little over 8 months ago, quite unintentionally. 😅 I had picked J's phone up to bring to him (I wasn't snooping!!!). On his feed there was a girl that looked a lot like me, and I saw something on it about ScentedPansy. I didn't really know what it was and I asked him and he basically told me it was like Etsy for sexy stuff. And I was like, this girl is making money?!?! lol I can do that! And J was like, go for it, Babe.

I don't think he thought there was even a chance, I'd actually do it (honestly, neither did I!) but, boy...did I call his bluff. 🤩🤩🤩

Diary of a MILF