Nov 02, 2021
Fetish Friend-Me

Fetish Friend-Me

Something unexpected happened when I started online adult work. I thought I'd sell some dirty panties and that was that, but it didn't take long for a brave new world to reveal itself to me. Now I'm no stranger to the arena of kink, I have spent much time in the playground of fetish. What I've never experienced up until Scented Pansy was switching the roles, and what I didn't predict was how much I would enjoy it. Say hello world, to Mistress Rose

In the past I really loved being restrained. Hold me down, pull my hair and spank me - and I was yours for life (or at least until I came). Never in my wildest dreams would I predict the sexiness and creativity that comes with being a Femmedom. 

And there are layers to the enjoyment. When I was a good little sub one thing I really valued was the respect shown in a sub/dom relationship. Nothing was ever done that I didn't consent to, the boundaries were discussed and mapped out before the dirty deeds had even commenced. Which is more than I can say about some of the more "vanilla" experiences I've had. And it is much the same now as Mistress Rose. The kinky requests I receive now are clear, exciting and delivered with respect. When I redirect a customer to another seller who may be able to fulfill their desires more effectively, I am met with gratitude. In my experience the kinky, more left of field buyers are an absolute dream. 

Peeling back more of the layers and there you will find a sense of empowerment and genuine confidence that comes with Femmedom work. As someone who hasn't always had the best self esteem I think it was a highlight for me to cater to a lovely buyer who wanted my body hair. Something I had always been ashamed of was so exciting to someone else. Something society tells me as a woman I shouldn't have, and someone will pay me for it? How can I not be dreaming?! 

So I want to say thank you to the kinksters out there, not only are you vulnerable in being so open about your fantasies but you've made me feel sexy, confident and thirsty for more.  

Love Mistress Rose aka Lipstick Lesbian 

Fetish Friend-Me